Spanish conjugation verbs

    Contraer subforo Alicia Sir



    Conjugating verbs in Spanish is one of the most challenging parts of learning Spanish as a second language. This guide will help you learn how to conjugate

    To run - Present Tense
    I run- yo corro
    We run- nosotros corremos
    You run- tu corres
    You guys run- ustedes corren
    He runs; she runs- él corre / ella corre
    They run- ellos corren

    I → Yo
    You → Tú
    He/She/It → Él, Ella, Usted
    We → Nosotros
    You guys/you all → Vosotros (only used in Spain, otherwise use ellos, ellas, or ustedes)
    They/them → Ellos, Ellas, Ustedes

    Regular AR verbs are conjugated in the present tense like this:
    o amos
    as ais
    a an

    Conjugating Verbs in the Present Tense
    The first tense you’ll learn how to conjugate for is the present tense, or el presente. In the present tense, AR verbs are conjugated differently than ER and IR Verbs.
    Present Tense Conjugations for AR Verbs
    Regular AR verbs are conjugated in the present tense like this:

    Let’s try some examples
    Hablar - to talk
    Yo hablo
    Tú hablas
    Él habla
    Nosotros hablamos
    Vosotros habláis
    Ellas hablan

    Caminar - to walk
    Yo camino
    Tú caminas
    Ella camina
    Nosotros caminamos
    Vosotros caminais
    Ellos caminan